Since its establishment in 2005, Beijing Dongfang Yuantong Technology Development Co., Ltd. has been committed to the field of nuclear radiation monitoring and radiation protection, focusing on introducing cutting-edge radiation monitoring equipment and experimental instruments for nuclear medicine, and collaborating with domestic enterprises with rich experience in design and development. The products involved include nuclide activity meters, radioactive thin-layer scanners, gamma counters, nuclide packagers, nuclear radiation monitors, personal dose meters, surface pollution detectors, neutron dose rate meters, ionization chamber patrol meters, handheld multifunctional radiation detectors, personal dose alarms, fixed online radiation alarm devices, radiation shielding devices, radioactive waste storage devices, personal nuclear radiation protection equipment, nuclear medicine ventilation kitchens, etc., which are used to serve scientific research institutions. Research institutions, laboratories, industrial testing,field exploration, nuclear pharmaceutical factories, environmental protection, inspection and quarantine, disease control centers, military and***, security, medical and many other industries. The company has an efficient business functional organization and a comprehensive service system. Adhering to the enterprise values of innovation, value, collaboration, and people- oriented, we provide safe, efficient, and convenient products and services to every user.
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